What's New: Divide by 3 with remainders
So far all our division pages have not had any remainders to deal with. But here we have a first introduction to division with remainders.
An example shows that 10 cakes divided between 3 children will leave one left over and that this is called a remainder. The questions keep to the 3x table and there is a number line in threes to help with this.
The best method is to find the multiple of 3 nearest to, but below, the number, and then add on in ones.
For example share 29 by 3.
3 x 9 is 27 and then count on 2 to make 29.
So the answer is 9 remainder 2.
The remainder can never be as large as the number you are dividing by, in this case 3.
Divide by 3 with remainders