What's New: Know what each digit represents
These four worksheets cover one of the most important concepts in our number system, that is, place value. The digit 7 has a different value, depending on its position within the number. In 765 it has a value of 700; in 675 it has a value of 70 and in 567 it has a value of 7.
The worksheets concentrate on just 2-digit numbers so the value of the digit is either in the tens or the units. The pages also look at two digit numbers as being the sum of the tens and units. For example, 45 = 40 + 5.
Because these concepts are so important later on, it is a really good idea to spend some time on them to make sure that they have been understood.
These worksheets on place value can be found in our Superbrains section, under Counting and number.
Go to our Know what each digit represents worksheets.