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Year 2 maths resources: Week 7
We continue our fortnight on Handling Data and Measurement with another set of great resources. Firstly, there is a dice challenge, using two dice, recording and sorting information on totals thrown. We also have a number sorting activity. Both these are trickier than they first appear as the sorting gets more complex.
Centimetres are introduced as a unit of measurement and these pages encourage children to develop a 'feel' for the size of a centimetre as well as using a ruler to draw lengths.
(Note that printers vary in the size that they print so all lines must be considered approximate.)
Tally charts also come into this week as well as another block graph, this time on favourite sandwich fillings. These pages should encourage children to create their own surveys, collecting, sorting and presenting their data.
Go to our Year 2 Week 7 resources