Year 2 maths resources: Week 15
As we get into the Spring term here is a set of pages which concentrate on number facts. This is a time when children should be really learning basic facts, including tables.
This week our Challenge is to find as many ways as possible to make 100, using only three multiples of 10.
We also have pages on:
Solving problems involving addition and subtraction
Recalling multiplication facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables with money/coins
Working out change from £1
Writing 3-digit numbers in words and figures
Practising dividing by 5
Finding ways of making 5 sided shapes (pentagons).
The resources in this week's programme can all be found in our Resource Browser, under the separate year 2 headings, as well as many more.
Go to our year 2 Week 15 programme.