Year 6 Maths Worksheets
This week we welcome the arrival of our Year 6 maths worksheets, covering all aspects of Number, Shape, Measures and Handling Data. With nearly 600 pages of questions and answers, this is a superb collection of resources for the oldest children in Primary School and much of the work is very challenging.
The worksheets are set out in the categories shown below and we have included a brief description of the aims and expectations within each category.
Why not go straight to the site and have a closer look at these resources?
Maths Worksheets for Year 6
Counting and Understanding Number
A child who achieves what is expected by the end of Year 6 will have an excellent knowledge of number. Negative numbers will be used in a variety of situations, including co-ordinates. Decimal fractions are extended to thousands and children will be expected to round decimals with up to three decimal places. Terms such as simplifying fractions, cancelling common factors, percentages and ratio will all be used with confidence.
Less emphasis on addition this year, as it is presumed that most of the basic skills have already been learned. Mental addition still needs to be practised on a regular basis, including adding decimals (such as 3.4 + 4.8) ‘in your head’. Written methods are consolidated, with the standard written method used confidently whenever necessary.
All that earlier practice at learning subtraction facts will come in to good use this year as 2-digit numbers and decimals are subtracted mentally. The standard written method of subtraction will be used accurately, including crossing tens, hundreds and thousands boundaries and using decimals.
With tables known ‘off by heart’, mental multiplication includes multiplying tens and units by units (25 x 6 etc) and units and tenths by units (3.4 x 5 etc). Square numbers will also be known. The standard written method of multiplication will be used efficiently when necessary.
With all the basics learned off by heart it is amazing what calculations can be done mentally, including dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit. When the numbers get harder a standard method of division will be used accurately and efficiently. Fractions and percentages of whole numbers will be found.
New terms are used this year to describe and identify 2D shapes, including parallel and perpendicular. Shapes will be drawn and made with increasing accuracy. Plenty of fun can be had with symmetry, reflections and translations, especially when using co-ordinates.
Standard metric units will be used confidently including conversions (eg 2.76 litres to 2760 ml). Finding the area of more complex 2D shapes, including compound shapes and the surface area of 3D shapes is part of the year 6 programme. By the end of the year children will be confident estimating angles and using a protractor to accurately measure angle. They will be able to calculate the angles in a triangle or around a point.
Handling Data
The language of probability, chance or likelihood will be used to describe and predict outcomes from data. Problems will be solved by collecting data, sorting, presenting and interpreting it. Grouped discrete data and line graphs are introduced.
Using and Applying Maths
Expectations are high for the end of Year 6! All four number operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are used to solve one-step and two-step problems involving money, measurement and time. Further work is carried out on exploring patterns and investigating general statements.
Maths Worksheets for Year 6