Year 2 maths resources: Week 31
As always there is a great collection of mental arithmetic pages, this week we have activities on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
There's also plenty of Handling Data in our most recent resources covering the planning for Year 2, Block C, Unit 3. The first set of pages looks at pictograms, where one image of a book represents 2 books. This might be new to children as most simple pictograms show a one to one correspondence. The data from the pictogram is then used to create a bar graph.
Children need plenty of practice at reading scales on measuring jugs, scales etc and the best way to do this is when baking a cake or measuring liquids, but it's not a bad idea to have some back up worksheets to check that they know how to read scales which are not numbered for each division.
We also have a yogurt pot challenge - simple to do and to collect data, ready to present asĀ a graph or pictogram.
Go to Year 2 resources for Block C, Unit 3, Week 2