Year 2 maths resources: Week 33
We are moving towards the end of the school weekly planning as we publish Week 33, which is the last for the Primary Framework planning for Block D, Unit 3. As always we have 40 mental arithmetic questions and it cannot be repeated often enough that if children are to acquire fast mental arithmetic skills they must have constant practice. This week we look again at addition, subtraction, multiplication, money, time and measures.
We also have collected together some of our best worksheets on solving problems involving time and weight/mass as well as some more addition number grids.
My favourite page this week is investigating making a total of 19 from three odd numbers. Our three intrepid gorillas are off on a 19 mile cross country relay and they must each run an odd number of miles to make up the total of 19 miles. How many possible ways are there of doing this? A great exercise for logical thinking and working in a well organised way.
We know from Google searches that these weekly planning resources have been immensely popular with teachers and hope that parents with limited available time find them just as useful.
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