More Addition of Decimals
There are some things which children need plenty of practice with and using the standard written method of addition is one of them. Once they have got used to adding 3-digit numbers then decimals can be introduced. The key here is to make sure that the decimal points are kept in a vertical line. Doing this will ensure that the units, tenths and hundredths are also kept in line.
The sheet has most of the questions already laid out in the correct format but there are 3 questions at the end which require setting out correctly. If using squared paper then it is a good idea to suggest that the decimal points are written on the vertical line between the units and the tenths, rather than giving it a square to itself. Another interesting point is how high to place the decimal point. Word processing usually puts it on the line but half way up the line is the norm when writing by hand, although either is fine as long as it can be seen clearly.
These worksheets can be found in the Year 5 addition category.
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