New spelling worksheets
Our collection of spelling worksheets is really turning into an incredible resource which many teachers and parents are using on a weekly basis. Our latest set of published pages takes the total to over 70 sets in total! This week we have concentrated on word endings, including ‘ary’ and ‘al’ words.
There are some quite long words in the ‘ary’ spellings, including ‘extraordinary’ and ‘vocabulary’ which will keep children on their toes. Perhaps the hardest set is the ‘y’ (short ‘i’) words, with some really tricky words such as ‘rhythm’ and ‘symptom’ which are often incorrectly spelled.
Each set of resources contains some fun activities, such as a crossword, word search or wordsnake, where children need to look closely at the words and how they are spelt. Following this is a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet which is a really good way to learn how to spell the words; remember to fold the page so the spellings are covered when writing them out.
Go to harder spelling worksheets