Year 3 weekly maths programme: week 9
We are getting well into our weekly programme for Year 3 with this latest set of pages.
This week we are aiming to:
1. make addition and subtraction number stories
2. improve speed practice with addition and subtraction
3. solve problems involving measurement
4. read scales and the time to 5 minutes
5. understand fractions of shapes
The activities that follow are just a small sample of the wide selection we have available. If you feel more practice is needed there are many more similar pages in the Resource Browser under:
Year 3: Addition
Year 3: Subtraction
Year 3: Measurement
Year 3: Fractions and Shape
There is not as much here as in some other weeks, but one activity in particular, 'How big is your head?' will require quite a lot of time, careful measurement and presentation of results if done properly.
Go to Year 3 weekly programme: week 9