Learning the 6 times table
It is generally recognised that the 6 times table is one of the harder sets of tables to learn. The reason for this is that there is little in the way of any repeating pattern to the answers which means that it just has to be learned, 'off by heart'. There are lots of suggested ways of learning times tables but it all boils down to being able to recite them and we have provided some useful resources to help with this. They can be found in our Year 3 Multiplication category as this is the year group which is recommended to start learning the 6x table, although many children will find this extremely tough.
Perhaps my favourite resource is the 6x table insects set of worksheets, which has a really creepy crawly feel to it, but we also have the table written out in full which can be used as an aid to learning it, as well as several pages of questions.
Go to year 3 Multiplication Resources and 6 x table