Year 3 weekly programme: Week 15
Plenty of hard work in this week's programme as this is an important time of year when real progress can be made with maths. Remember that this programme is a basic reinforcement of the work covered in Year 3 and in any one week not all the pages need to be done, on the other hand further work in certain areas may be valuable
This week we are aiming to:
1. solve one step and two step word problems
2. convert pounds to pence
3. find fractions of numbers
4. solve measurement problems and tell the time to 5 minutes
5. learn the 6x table
6. understand symmetry
7. improve mental arithmetic skills
The activities that follow are just a small sample of the wide selection we have available. If you feel more practice is needed there are many more similar pages in the Resource Browser under:
Year 3: Multiplication
Year 3: Money
Year 3: Measures
Year 3: Shape
Go to year 3 Weekly Programme: Week 15