Year 3 weekly programme: week 17
Nearly half way through the year 3 weekly programme for maths and things are getting quite tricky! An important part of this year is to establish understanding of money written as pounds or pence and to convert between them. Part of this is to realise that when writing in pounds two digits are placed after the decimal point: e.g. 240p is written as £2.40 and not £2.4 (as a calculator will show).
As well as working in pounds and pence this week we are aiming to:
1. solve word problems and number problems
2. divide by 6
3. investigate symmetrical shapes
4. solve time problems
5. make shape patterns
6. improve mental arithmetic
The activities that follow are just a small sample of the wide selection we have available. If you feel more practice is needed there are many more similar pages in the Resource Browser under:
Year 3: Money
Year 3: Division
Year 3: Shape
Year 3: measures
Go to Week 17 of the Year 3 weekly programme