Year 3 maths weekly programme: week 19
We are now past half way through the weekly programme of maths for Year 3. Remember that these pages can be used in a wide variety of ways but are designed as support and backup materials, perhaps to be used for a few minutes each day.
This week the mental arithmetic concentrates on counting on and back. This is something we tend to take for granted, but in fact children do need a good deal of practice with.Several of the pages look at word problems, both with money and time. Reading the time correctly can be a sticking point for some children, especially if they rarely see a clock face. Most of the questions here involve 'counting on' to the next hour so knowing that there are sixty minutes in an hour is important.
In summary, this week we are aiming to:
1. solve money and time word problems
2. solve measurement problems using kilometres
3. use TV programme schedules
4. sort data using Carroll diagrams
5. Read and interpret scales
6. estimate and measure lengths
7. improve mental arithmetic
Go to year 3 weekly programme: week 19