Year 3 maths programme: week 21
It's another week for looking closely at the 'four rules' of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.This week we are aiming to:
1. add by adjusting
Mentally adding 9 to a 3-digit number is easily done by adding 10 and subtracting 1. This idea can be taken further e.g. adding 8 by adding 10 and subtracting 2.
2. move towards written addition
Most of the addition that children will do up to year 3 will be done mentally, but this is the year that we start looking at harder additions which require writing down notes or jottings to help. At this stage the standard written method is not used.
3. subtract by adjusting
In the same way that addition can be done by adjusting, so can subtraction. What looks like quite a hard question can be done fairly easily e.g. 44 subtract 19 can be done by subtracting 20 and then adding 1.
4. learn the 3x and 4x tables
These really must be learned off by heart!
5. work out remainders
Once tables have been learned they can be used to work out division problems, including remainders.
6. improve mental arithmetic
The activities that follow are just a small sample of the wide selection we have available. If you feel more practice is needed there are many more similar pages in the Resource Browser under:
Year 3: Addition and Subtraction
Year 3: Multiplication and Division
Go to Week 21 of the year 3 programme