Year 2 Fractions
We have just reorganised our Year 2 fractions worksheets so that they can all be found under one heading: ‘Fractions’.
Fractions often prove difficult for older children so it is very important to lay sound foundations as early as possible. A vital part of this is recognising that one whole one can be broken into two identical halves or four identical quarters and that two halves or four quarters will make one whole one.
In year 2 (6-7 years old) children are expected to recognise and name simple fractions, such as a half or a quarter, as well as finding simple fractions of shapes and quantities. Much of this work should be done on a practical basis e.g. colouring a quarter of a shape or finding a quarter of 12 sweets by sharing them into four equal piles.
Children should also get plenty of practice at counting in fractions and our set of worksheets on ‘Counting in Quarters’ is very helpful for this. It also helps with the concept of fractions as numbers and that they can add up to more than one.
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