Punctuation. Full stops and capital letters
Punctuation. Full stops and capital letters
All good sentences have to come to an end, usually with a full stop. The new English Programme of Study expects capital letters and full stops to demarcate sentences to be introduced in Year 1, as well as capital letters for names. The good news is that we have just published our first set of punctuation worksheets.
Beginning with recognising capital letters we quickly move on to writing sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and full stop at the end.
Using capital letters for proper nouns is trickier and will also need to be covered with older children. There is a great choice of worksheets on this subject including finding the missing punctuation to writing names of football teams correctly, with examples such as Brighton and Hove Albion, where the ‘a’ in ‘and’ does not have a capital.
It can get even more complex; for example, French stick is meant to have a capital ‘f’, but not french windows. However we will leave these idiosyncrasies for another time!
Go to our brand new Punctuation pages.