Long division and short division
Maths on the computer: long division and short division
Short division is one of the hardest aspects of maths in primary school, but to make it much easier we have just published a series of on-screen maths activities which guide children through the process, step by step as well as providing unlimited practice.
With the short method all unnecessary writing down of numbers is avoided. One of the best ways to be fluent with this method is to talk it through out loud. Eventually this leads to talking through, ‘in your head’.
If we look at a question such as 7.2 divided by 3, the verbal stages are:
a. How many 3s in 7?
b. 2 times 3 is 6 so there is 2 with a remainder of 1.
c. Place the 2 on the answer line, immediately above the 7.
d. Place the decimal point just above the answer line so it can be clearly seen.
e. The remainder 1 is placed just in front of the 2 (usually written smaller).
f. How many 3s in 12?
g. 3 x 4 is 12 so the answer is 4.
h. Place the 4 on the answer line, immediately above the 2 (tenths).
i. Answer 2.4
Go to Year 5 division activities
Go to Year 6 division activities