Short division
Year 5 and 6 short division
Children in Year 5 will now be taught to divide 4-digit numbers by a single digit, using the formal written method of short division. We have just added a new set of worksheets on this topic where the questions are laid out in a horizontal form (e.g. 214 ÷ 7 =) and the children will need to set them out correctly. Squared paper is given for this. It is important that they are set out correctly and that all working out is shown. When it comes to the new SATs Arithmetic paper two marks will be given for such questions, one for a correct answer and one for correct method.
Go to Year 5 short division
Whilst the emphasis in Year 6 is on using the long division method there is also a target for short division:
“Divide numbers up to 4-digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division, where appropriate.”
Sometimes it would not be appropriate to use the short method when dividing by two-digit numbers, but it can be done. We have just published a new set of worksheets on this, keeping to fairly straightforward two-digit numbers such as 21, 35 etc. All remainders are written as whole numbers. There is an awful lot of estimating to be done when using the short division method, so we have included a large area which children can use to confirm their mental calculations. For example: ‘How many 35s are there in 290? Children could try jotting down 35 x 9 and working out the answer (315), too many; then try 35 x 8 etc.
Go to Year 6 short division worksheets