Rounding decimals and money in year 6
Rounding decimals and money in year 6
Our very latest sets of worksheets are for Year 6 and are all about rounding decimals and amounts of money. The first two sets look at rounding money to the nearest £10 and £1.
e.g. round £574.56 to the nearest £10.
These are probably easier than they first look as the decimal amount can be ignored.
A harder task is to round to the nearest £1.
e.g. round £26.91 to the nearest pound.
Here the tenths ( in this case 9 tenths) is the key figure as the amount is rounded up to £27.
The next two sets of worksheets look at rounding to the nearest tenth or hundredth. This means that children will be looking at numbers with three decimal places.
e.g. round 2.267 to the nearest hundredth.
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