New Year 6 SATs Arithmetic Paper
New Year 6 SATs Arithmetic Paper
The new national curriculum will be assessed for the first time in May 2016. At the moment the precise format of the questions for the tests is still not known, but what we do know is that there will be a brand new arithmetic paper.
This arithmetic paper will have questions which are entirely context free; in other words they will not be word problems, just old fashioned arithmetic.
This test will assess number, calculations and fractions, which include decimals and percentages.
Children will be expected to use the formal written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve specific questions. Two marks will be awarded for each question; one if an appropriate formal method is used but the final answer is incorrect due to a calculation error. Each question will have a grid area for children to show their working out.
This arithmetic test will last for 30 minutes.
We published our first set of resources at the beginning of the autumn term and we have now added a further set which looks at adding and subtracting mixed numbers; always a tricky task.
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