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Year 1 ordering numbers
Year 1 ordering numbers
It may sound quite simple, but many children take a long time to master counting and ordering numbers up to 100. I have known children who, even in the upper primary age range, have been unsure about counting up to 100, yet they have been expected to deal with calculating with all sorts of large numbers. No wonder that they have immense problems with the kind of maths they are expected to do and it is absolutely vital that all children get a sound knowledge of numbers up to 100.
This task begins in earnest in Year 1. Most children will be able to count to 10 when they enter Year 1. They can then continue to 20, which of course involves all the teen numbers. Once this is really understood they can move onwards up to 100 and look at ordering these numbers. These are huge steps and tremendous progress can be made, as can be seen by the difference in difficulty between worksheets at the start of the category and those at the end.
We have a vast selection of worksheets on both counting and ordering numbers in Year 1, providing plenty of choice and practice. We have just added two further sets; ordering 4 numbers up to 50 and ordering 4 numbers between 50 and 100.
Go to Year 1 Counting
Go to Year 1 Ordering Numbers