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Year 4 Weekly Programme
Year 4 Weekly Programme
The summer term has arrived and there is certainly plenty to think about with SAT tests, sports days etc. all to fit in. The good news is that our weekly programme for Year 4 is progressing well, with the latest six weeks having just been released.
Week 25 takes a look at learning the 12x table, using the 11x table to divide, answering word problems, decimal fractions and co-ordinates. As with all weeks there are also plenty of mental arithmetic activities.
Week 26 covers a wide variety of maths, including estimating 4-digit addition, looking at number squares and reading scales. Adding fractions and understanding multiples and factors are also a major part of the week’s work.
Whilst perhaps being controversial, the 12x table is expected to be learned off by heart so we include further work on this in Week 27. We also include pages on using the formal written method of addition with money and interpreting graphs.
Number and calculating form the core of the work in Week 28. Division, addition and number sequences are all included, as well as plenty of mental arithmetic.
The concentration on calculating continues into Week 29 with dividing tenths by ten, revising the 12x table, using the formal written methods of division and subtraction being the main focus.
Finally, in Week 30 we take a look at negative numbers, estimation and measuring angle using a set square.
Go to the latest Year 4 Weekly Programme pages