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Spelling: tious and ible word endings
Spelling: tious and ible word endings
Words ending in ‘tious’ tend to be pretty tricky to spell and our latest set of spelling patterns prove the point. There are some great words ending with ‘tious’ including bumptious, scrumptious, superstitious and surreptitious, which provide a real spelling challenge as well as interesting vocabulary work. Children love the way these words, ‘roll off the tongue’ and enjoy using them in their speech.
As well as the above we have also just published a set of spelling activities for words ending in ‘ible’, including audible, illegible, imperceptible and submersible. Again, these are quite hard, partly because when we pronounce these words it is not always clear whether they end in ‘ible’ or ‘able’. The only real way to spell them correctly is to learn the words, off by heart.
Both of these sets of activities are ideal for older primary children who are good at spelling.
Go to Middle/Upper Primary Spelling: Word Endings