Year 3 money
Year 3 money
Learning to calculate with money really takes off in Year 3 and there are many activities which will help with this, both practical using coins and on paper with worksheets, including:
Exchanging pence for £1,10p and 1p coins.
For example: give 456 pence in £1, 10p and 1p coins (four £1 coins, five 10p coins and six 1p coins).
2p, 5p,10p, 20p and 50p coins are excellent for counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s and 50s
Change can be given by counting on.
Working with pounds and pence together is an important part of this. To begin with amounts can be written as pounds and pence e.g. two pounds and 60 pence but the decimal point can be introduced to separate the whole pounds from the less than one pound.
There are several rules to remember about writing pounds and pence including:
1. always use two digits after the decimal point e.g. £5.6 is not correct; it must be £5.60
2. it is incorrect to put a p when writing an amount e.g. £2.60p is incorrect as the amount should be written as £2.60.
Writing money in this way is great for showing place value, with tenths (10p coins) and hundredths (1p coins).
We have just published three new sets of money worksheets for Year 3.
The first takes children through the mental subtraction process step by step. For example:
Sam wants to buy a football.
The football costs £14 and 20p.
Sam gets 50p off the price. How much did Sam pay?
There are three steps to find the answer:
50p = 20p and 30p
Take 20p from £14 and 20p leaves £14
Take 30p from £14 leaves £13 and 70p Sam paid £13 and 70p
The second and third look at mental calculations, writing the answers as pounds and pence separately.
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