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Year 1 Measurement: new resources
Year 1 Measurement: new resources
If there is one area of the maths curriculum where plenty of practical opportunities are needed it is in Measurement. Children are expected to make a huge amount of progress with Measurement during Year 1. They begin by making simple comparisons, side by side with no counting, for example comparing the lengths of two pieces of string, the weight of two objects by picking them up, finding which container holds the most water etc. They then move on to using non-standard units to measure, such as hand spans, thumbs, cubes or strides to measure length. Estimation comes in here with questions such as,
“How many steps will it take you to cross the room?”
There is also a good deal of vocabulary to get to grips with, including guess, roughly, nearly, close to, about the same as, too many, short, tall, full empty etc.
Standard units of metric measurement are then introduced including the centimetre, metre, kilogram and litre.
This is all great fun and involves plenty of practical activity, including using balance scales to see which object weighs more, filling a large container using a smaller container and much more!
We have a comprehensive set of resources in our Year 1 Measurement category covering length, mass and capacity with plenty of great fun practical ideas. We have also just published a new set of pages for children who are familiar with centimetres, asking them to estimate the lengths of lines, in centimetres, without measuring them.
Please note that we consider measuring time and money are so important that we have separate categories for each of these.
Why not take a look at our measurement worksheets, including the very latest estimating in centimetres pages?
Year 1 Measurement: new resources