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Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day
There are some days of the year that we do not want to forget and Mothering Sunday, or Mother’s Day as it is sometimes known, is one of them. It is now a day which honours mothers and other mother figures such as grandmothers, with the giving of cards and presents, but it has not always been so commercial.
The ancient Greeks and Romans had festivals celebrating mother goddesses but the more recent history dates back to the 1600s. Mothering Sunday was celebrated with a prayer service in church on the fourth Sunday of Lent, which is the 40 day period leading up to Easter. Servants, apprentices and workers living away from home were encouraged to have a day off to visit their mothers. However, in England this died out during Victorian times before making a comeback, partly because of a movement in America which established a Mother’s Day in May. Card makers and commercial firms were quick to see the possible profits to be made!
Nevertheless it is still a good time to think about all that mother’s do and we have added some great pages on Mothering Sunday, all free to use.
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