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Using bar modelling to help with tables
Using bar modelling to help with tables
Bar modelling is proving a big hit in primary schools at the moment and I believe that the approach has much to commend it. Visual models give children a quick and easy way to grasp a concept without the complication of words. So, there is no reason not to use the approach with young children to tackle learning times tables. We have just produced three excellent sets of pages for Year 2 to help with the 2x, 5x and 10x tables. The bar models clearly show the relationship between, for example, 5 + 5 + 5 and 5 x 3 or 3 x 5.
Our Year 2 multiplication category is bursting full of great maths – at least 60 separate sets of worksheets in total to ensure that there is something for everyone.
Go to Year 2 Multiplication and Times Tables