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Left handed maths
Left handed maths
Did you know that about 10% of the population are left-handed? Some of the most famous people from history were left handed, including: Julius Caesar, Mozart, Napoleon, Queen Victoria, Lord Baden-Powell and Albert Einstein. Many left-handed people will know that there is actually a left-handed shop that sells everything from fountain pens and scissors to kitchen knives and garden secateurs designed especially for left-handers.
Because most of the population is right-handed, we live in a right-handed world. Left-handed children and adults (including me!) face a number of problems in their day to day lives, mainly that they have to reverse many things they are shown how to do. Maths questions are particularly difficult for left-handed children as having read the question they then cover it up with their left hand to write the answer on the right-hand side of the page. This can lead to a child forgetting what the question is and then losing concentration. To celebrate Left-hander’s Day we have written some Year 1 worksheets designed to help left-handed children with their addition and subtraction.
Go to Year 1 addition