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Year 6 SAT Booster pages
Year 6 SAT Booster pages
Since the SATs were changed a couple of years ago we have been steadily increasing our booster support materials based on the types of questions found in each year’s papers. Our most recent publication is on a very popular subject: reading tables which include negative numbers. Key to this is to find the difference between two negative numbers, but also to find the difference between a negative number and positive number. This is often done with temperature. For example: find the difference in temperature between York at -2 degrees and Brighton at 6 degrees.
If children are familiar with this type of question then it is an easy mark or two to pick up in no time at all, leaving plenty of time for harder questions that come later in the paper.
Our Booster worksheets are now a tremendous resource and probably the best available anywhere. If you have children taking SATs in Year 6 next summer then we would highly recommend having a look.
Go to KS2 Maths SATs Booster Number and Counting