Adverbs of place and time
Adverbs of place and time
An adverb of place tells us where something is happening. An adverb of place can be one word, such as ‘here’ and ‘outside’ or it can be an adverbial phrase such as, ‘past the shop’.
Sometimes adverbial phrases, including adverbs of place can be put at the start of a sentence to give a different emphasis to the sentence.
For example:
The rocks were becoming increasingly slippery near to the waterfall.
Near to the waterfall the rocks were becoming increasingly slippery.
Adverbs of time tell us when, for how long, or how often something happens. They can be a single word or an adverbial phrase.
The postman started his round at six o’clock in the morning.
Adverbs of time are often found at the end of sentences but can also be put at the start of a sentence for effect.
We have just published two great sets of worksheets covering adverbs of place and time, making it easy for children to understand; well worth a look.
Go to English: Grammar: Adverbs