Maths Mastery: Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Summer Term
Maths Mastery: Year 1 Summer Term
Block 4: Number and Place Value
The final half term of Maths Mastery in Year 1 kicks off with some further work on counting and partitioning numbers. Children will begin to count up to 100, including grouping into tens to make counting quicker and less prone to error. 2-digit numbers will be partitioned and place value charts used to help compare numbers.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 1: Summer Term: Block 4: Number and Place Value
Block 5: Money
Coins are a superb resource to help with counting, addition, subtraction etc. Lots of time needs to be spent with practical work counting coins, making totals and finding how much more is needed to make a total. Notes are also introduced this term.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 1: Summer Term: Block 5: Money
Block 6: Time
There is so much to teach on the subject of time that a block of at least two weeks is needed. As well as telling the time to the half hour using analogue clocks much also needs to be done with sequencing events, using the language of time and comparing time. Some interesting research has come to light suggesting that it might be better to teach children to read the time on analogue clocks in the same way as they do digital i.e. so many minutes past the hour, leaving terms such as quarter past, twenty to etc until much later.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 1: Summer Term: Block 6: Time
Block 7: Consolidation
Why not finish the term off in style with some fun time, money and problem solving, consolidating the work covered this term.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 1: Summer Term: Block 7: Consolidation
Maths Mastery: Year 2 Summer Term
Block 4: Measurement of mass, capacity and temperature
Plenty of measuring to do here, including using grams and kilograms to compare mass/weight, reading a variety of different scales, comparing volume, reading thermometers and comparing temperatures.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 2: Summer Term: Block 4: Measurement
Block 5: Investigations
At last, right at the end of the year, we come to my favourite activities. The aim of the Maths Mastery programme is to give children a deep understanding and fluency in the fundamentals of maths. Because this understanding is deep it will not have to be re-taught at a later time; something which happens all too often at the moment.
This new approach needs new resources, especially geared towards reasoning and problem solving. Thankfully we have always considered reasoning to be a key part of the maths curriculum and many of our resources in all categories are designed for this. But we also have a separate category in each year group called, ‘Reasoning and Problem Solving’ where you will find a rich source of material, some of which we include in our final block of the year.
There are ‘How many ways ….’ type of practical exercises (e.g. How many different ways can you put counters in a set of boxes?) These encourage children to think logically and order their results so that they can be sure that they have all possible answers. A favourite of mine is the ‘Three Coin Challenge’.
Finally, take some time out to play the maths games such as Nim which originated in China. They are great at developing logical thinking and developing a winning strategy. You should never lose if you go first!
These pages really are not to be missed and we thoroughly recommend them.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 2: Summer Term: Block 5: Investigations
Maths Mastery: Year 3 Summer Term
Block 3: Properties of shapes
A key feature of the Geometry work in Year 3 is to recognise angle as a description of turn. At first this can be clockwise and anticlockwise before moving on to acute and obtuse angles, including recognising angles greater or less than a right angle.
It is also important that children become more accurate with measuring and drawing straight lines as well as recognising horizontal and vertical lines.
Further work also continues with the properties of 2D and 3D shapes with plenty of opportunity to make 3D shapes.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 3: Summer Term: Block 3: Shape
Block 4: Mass and capacity
Children should now be using the standard weights of grams and kilograms to work with mass, including adding and subtracting. Reading scales is also an important skill to develop, using both mass and capacity. Plenty of opportunities for practical work with water!
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 3: Summer Term: Block 4: Mass and Capacity
Block 5: Consolidation
Not to be ignored, some of our favourite activities are in this block and there are plenty more to choose from in our Reasoning/Problem Solving category.
Go to Maths Mastery: Year 3: Summer Term: Block 5: Consolidation