Maths Mastery Resources for Year 5

Great news for Year 5: we have begun our collection of resources for use with each block of a typical Year 5 maths mastery programme.
Resources for Years 1 to 4 have already proved to be very popular, designed to work alongside the mastery planning, providing extra resources and support.For a teacher these are superb resources to use with the children who need a little extra help.For a parent, we recommend doing the pages more or less in the order they appear, one page from each set. If this is completed well, with no problems, there is no reason to do more, unless, of course, your child really wants to.If difficulties occur, try at least one or two more out of the set, and there will be other similar sets that can also be used, taken from the main categories on the site.We cannot guarantee that the order we progress through the term will be the same as that of a particular school, but we are following similar blocks of work as used in many schools across the country.Also, please note that these are support materials and cannot replace the work done in school through mastery programmes, mathshubs etc. For parents we feel one page a day, for 5 days a week, is ample without overloading your child.Of course, if you are not following a maths mastery programme these are still great resources for your children.Material for the first three blocks is now available, covering:• Number: Place Valueincluding working with numbers up to millions, rounding and negative numbers
• Addition and Subtractiondeveloping mental methods of calculating with large numbers as well as the formal written methods of addition and subtraction
• Statisticsreading timetables and charts and interpreting graphs, introducing line graphs