Year 4 Multiplication
There is one very simple target for children in Year 4 which will dominate much of the work carried out during the year. It is simply:4C6a Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.So, what does this mean? Quite simply, if asked a question such as what is 6 times 7, the answer (42) should be given immediately. No counting on going through the table to eventually get to the answer. Just the answer, at the same speed that the answer to an easy addition such as 2 + 3 is given.In theory children should have already achieved a good recall of the 2x, 5x and 10x tables in Year 2 and the 3x, 4x and 8x tables in Year 3. If this is the case they will already have cracked half the target for the remaining tables: knowing 5 x 9 also means that you know 9 x 5 etc. However, many children will not have established this secure knowledge and plenty more practice will be needed.Once this knowledge has been acquired it is an easy step to go on to the second major target for the year:Multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number using the formal written layout.This is only going to be achieved if knowledge of times tables is good. Otherwise children will be struggling to find answers whilst trying to get acquainted with the written multiplication method. The written method is far, far easier and quicker if a child has a good knowledge of times tables.Luckily, we have a great range of pages on multiplication, probably more than any other category, and have just published two further sets on multiplying 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a single digit.Go to Year 4 Multiplication