Year 6 Dividing mentally
Whilst the written methods of long and short division take up a considerable amount of time in Year 6 it is important not to neglect other aspects of mental division. Understanding place value is central to our ability to calculate mentally and this still needs to be reinforced in Year 6.
When dividing by 10 each digit moves one place to the right. When dividing by 100 each digit moves two places to the right. When dividing by 1,000 each digit moves three places to the right.
So, to find the number which is 100 times smaller than 32 move the digits two places to the right, not forgetting the decimal point. 100 times smaller than 32 is 0.32.
To find the number which is 1,000 times smaller than 32 move the digits three places to the right, not forgetting the decimal point. 1,000 times smaller than 32 is 0.032.
Our latest set of worksheets takes a close look at this, including making numbers and amounts of money 1,000 times smaller. Excellent for checking that dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 has been understood.