Free Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

The MTC has been postponed for a further year, but why not have a go at our great check, completely free, which follows the same rules and gives valuable information and guidance on how to improve, as well as being much easier to use.Covid-19 has certainly played havoc with the Government’s maths testing programme and this is continuing into 2021. The introduction of the statutory multiplication tables check (MTC) has been delayed, yet again, until the 2021/22 academic year. In 2021, schools can choose to administer the MTC to Year 4 pupils, between Monday 7 June and Friday 25 June, but there is no requirement to do so. However, as it is quite a short test and reveals a great deal about children’s knowledge of multiplication tables we think that it is a good idea to have a go.
What is the MTC?The purpose of the MTC is to see whether children in Year 4 can fluently recall their multiplication tables. The Year 4 Programme of Study states:‘Pupils should be taught to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12’.It will be an on-line, on-screen assessment which will take less than 5 minutes to complete. It will be automatically scored and results will be available to schools. It is very hard!
How we can help.Fortunately, we can help by giving children the opportunity to experience a near identical check. More than this we also provide feedback on the results and links to helpful resources. These include both on-screen practice and printable worksheets to ensure that they know tables better before taking the real check.This check and a set of follow up resources are completely free. Just log in or sign up for a 7-day free trial with no commitment.Even better, we have a completely free App for those using Apple iPads and iPhones, with free on-screen check and bonus printable worksheets. 5 star reviews!