Money in Years 2 and 3
In Year 2 children will continue to become more familiar with the equivalent value of coins; for example, five 2p coins are equivalent to one 10p coin. We have just published four great new sets which look at this in detail, using all the coins from 50p to 1p. For those children who are less confident it is a good idea to have paper/card coins that can be placed on the page and changed to different denominations as appropriate.Go to Year 2 Money
We also have a new set of resources for Year 3 involving adding coins. Children choose the coins from two boxes to make their own totals. As this involves both whole pounds and pence it is a good introduction to writing totals using the decimal point (eg two pounds fifty pence: £2.50).This can be extended into a mini investigation, finding all the possible different combinations and totals.Go to Year 3 Money