Addition in Year 1
Most of the addition work in Year 1 will deal with numbers which have a total of up to 20. At first children will be taught to add two 1-digit numbers, moving on later to adding a 1-digit number and a 2-digit number with totals up to 20. These numbers will include zero and it is important that children realise the effect of adding zero to a number.
By the end of the year it is expected that children will have made real progress with knowing, off by heart, all addition facts for each number totalling up to 20. This means that a question such as, “What is two plus seven?” will be answered from memory rather than having to count on using fingers or using other pictorial representations.
A further step is that children use this knowledge to help them answer related questions;
e.g. if 2 + 7 = 9 what is 9 - 2 ?
The mathematical signs + and = will be introduced so that children begin to read, write and interpret mathematical statements on paper.
Solving simple one-step problems that involve addition will also be introduced, using concrete objects and pictorial representations.
There is a great range of material available to help children with addition and many schools will use concrete materials, pictures, number lines, bar models and part-whole models to help children see and understand the process of addition.