Statistics in Year 5

In Year 5 pupils should be taught to:
5S1 complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables
5S2 solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph
Children will continue to need plenty of practice reading timetables and charts.
Two-way tables deal with two variables and are an excellent way to show lots of information in a precise way. The categories are labelled at the top and down the left hand side and often the totals will appear on the right hand side and at the bottom. They are also a popular subject for the KS2 SATs. Our simple introductory worksheets use two-way tables to show ice cream sales, coffee sales, favourite winter sports and much more.
As we start thinking of warmer weather and the summer why not take a look at our line graph worksheets on temperatures in various holiday locations, from Spain to Brisbane, Australia. Line graphs are one of the main features of the Year 5 Statistics Programme of Study and these three pages are great for finding the mean and range of temperatures as well as completing further graphs from the figures shown.