Statistics in Years 3

In Year 3 pupils should be taught to:
3S1 interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables
3S2 solve one-step and two-step questions (e.g. ‘How many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’) using information presented in scaled bar charts and pictograms and tables.
Children will begin to construct bar charts from information shown on tally charts and pictograms as well as data that they have collected or been given. It’s important for children to compare a pictogram and a bar chart – what’s the same and what’s different and which would be more suitable to represent particular information? Children will also be asked to decide which scale will be the most appropriate when drawing their own bar charts.
Interpreting tables can be quite tricky as anyone who has looked at a train timetable will realise. As well as using and interpreting tables children should explain how to read them; this really helps to clarify in their own minds what to do.
We have a great selection of resources including using tally charts, bar charts, pictograms, block graphs as well as some tricky interpreting tables and using Venn and Carroll diagrams.