Statistics in Years 4
In Year 4 pupils should be taught to:
4S1 interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs
4S2 solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.
Children will continue to use bar charts, pictograms and tables to interpret and present discrete data, understanding and using a greater range of scales in their representations.
Although the targets are quite brief, there is quite a lot to get to grips with. The main difference is the interpretation and construction of line graphs, which used to be introduced in Years 5 and 6.
Line graphs can cause problems and are often constructed with inappropriate data. Children will need to know the difference between discrete and continuous data; not the easiest topic to get to grips with and much more will be done on this in Years 5 and 6.
We have a range of interesting subjects for our charts and graphs, well worth a look.