Fractions in Year 6
Some of the hardest Year 6 Maths can be found in the Fractions, Decimals and Percentages strand. Fortunately, we have an extensive range of resources to help with this and our sub-headings make it easy to find exactly what you want.
The resources are organised into sub-categories:
Understanding and ordering fractions:
This includes understanding equivalent fractions, improper and proper fractions and ordering fractions.
Addition and subtraction of fractions:
This becomes quite difficult as children are expected to add and subtract fractions with different denominators as well as working with mixed numbers; understanding equivalence is essential for this.
Multiplying and dividing fractions:
Year 6 children are only expected to multiply simple pairs of proper fractions and to divide proper fractions by whole numbers.
The relationship between decimals and fractions:
Using decimal notation and working with decimals up to thousandths are part of this section as well as understanding the relationship between decimals and fractions and converting between the two.
Multiplying and dividing decimals:
Understanding place value is important when multiplying and dividing decimals. We have excellent sets of pages on multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000.
Rounding decimal fractions:
Rounding decimals including to the nearest tenth and hundredth. Also rounding amounts of money, which can prove to be quite tricky.
Finding percentages of numbers and solving problems involving percentages are an important part of work in Year 6.
We continue to add further resources to our fractions category and even more can be found in our KS2 Maths SATs Booster section where we have a great collection of worksheets all based on the most recent test papers.