Time in Year 2

National Curriculum targets for time in Year 2 are:
- 2M4a tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times
- 2M4b compare and sequence intervals of time
- 2M4c know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day
Plenty of progress is expected with telling the time in Year 2, but at first it is important to consolidate the learning of reading time to the hour and half hour from Year 1.
We have grouped our time worksheets into the following sub-categories, with plenty to choose from in each:
Revise telling the time to the half hour
We have some great sets of worksheets which build on Year 1 work. We even have specific pages for train journeys in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and boats and planes leaving these countries for various parts of the world. Why not take a little extra time to find out on a map where they are going.
Telling the time to a quarter of an hour
‘Quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’ are key aspects of learning to tell the time and this is a good stage to point out to children that the hour hand moves along with the minute hand but at a much slower pace. Clocks with movable hands are great for this.
- telling the time to 5 minutes
Children need to be confident with counting from 0 to 60 in steps of 5 so that they can apply this when counting round the clockface. It is also important to highlight that when the minute hand has past 6 the time is described as ‘to’ the next hour rather than ‘past’ the last hour.
- time problems
This is my favourite part of work on time in Year 2, with activities on days of the week, months of the year, birthdays, ordering lengths of time and much more.