Time in Year 5

- 5M4 Solve problems involving converting between units of time
It might seem that by Year 5 most of the work on time will have been covered, but there are still some tricky aspects of time to teach, many of which tend to pop up in the KS2 SATs.
Firstly, reinforcing the different ways we say the time; for example, ‘Five minutes to five,’ can also be said as, ‘Four fifty-five’.
Secondly, reading the time using the 24-hour clock; knowing that 5 past 4 in the afternoon can be written as 16:05.
Thirdly, solving problems from information displayed in a timetable. Bus and train timetables can be quite tricky to interpret.
Fourthly, converting units of time. Children should know that a year is twelve months, a week is 7 days, a day is 24 hours and an hour is 60 minutes and use this information e.g. 76 days = how many weeks and days?
All these aspects of time are covered in our Year 5 Measurement category.