Time in Year 6
No specific targets
Whilst there are no specific targets for Time in Year 6 it’s always good if a theme or topic can be built into maths worksheets.
One theme with time at its heart is our Grand Prix racing resource. Times recorded by drivers at real races such as the Austrian and Canadian Grand Prix are given to the nearest thousandth of a second and various questions follow. A typical question is:
Lewis Hamilton did one lap in 1 minute 11.475 seconds. If he raced at the same speed for 10 laps how long would it take him?
The SAT tests can be a worrying time for children and parents, but with our superb collection of revision materials there is every opportunity to do really well, and this includes converting periods of time. Questions on this occur in most test papers and are often taken from the Year 3, 4 or 5 Programme of Study.
With over 500 pages of SAT style questions our Booster category is the perfect place to go to help improve scores in the KS2 SATs.