Money in Year 2
We consider that the topic of money in Year 2 is so important that it should have a category of its own and not just be part of Measurement as suggested in the National Curriculum.
There two targets:
2M3a recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
2M3b find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money
With over 40 sets of worksheets, many of which have three or four pages of activities, we have all the resources needed to inspire and encourage children when working with money. They are brightly coloured, each page concentrating on a specific skill and are easy to download, print or use from the screen. Again, we have sub-divided the topic into the following sections:
- Counting totals using coins
- Making amounts using coins
- Shopping and finding change
- Using notes and coins
- Solving problems
Why not take a look now?