Booster Help for the KS2 Maths Reasoning Papers
It’s not too late to get the best results possible in this year’s SATs – and we can help. Did you know that we have over 350 pages of questions, with answers, to cover the areas of maths that have come up in the last few years Maths SATs Reasoning Papers? These are aimed at all children, whether they are struggling or flying high. Just a little boost might be all they need to get a score which truly reflects their ability. Perhaps even 100%!
The most recent Reasoning Papers have not changed a great deal from year to year and we have carefully studied the questions and the content domain coverage linked to them, and written a superb collection based on these. Not only are the questions of a similar type, they are displayed in a similar format and include full Content Domain References as specified for each question in the mark schemes.
To make it easier to find the resources you are looking for we have divided the questions up into categories as follows:
Perhaps surprisingly, seeing that there is a separate Calculations Paper, calculating still takes up more than any other topic in the Reasoning Papers. However, the questions are designed differently. A favourite type is to have an addition or subtraction calculation written out in the standard form, with answer, but with several digits missing. Another favourite is word problems, especially those involving two calculations. Children invariably find these harder as not only do they need to be able to carry out the calculations they also need to work out what calculations need doing and in what order.
Large numbers seem to fascinate the test writers and children must be able to read and write numbers in the millions as well as rounding large numbers. Expect to see a couple of this type of question each year and we have ample practice pages to help.
Reasoning: Fractions and Percentages
A much greater emphasis has been placed on fractions in the latest maths framework and this is reflected in the number of questions found on the SAT Papers. Putting fractions in order and sequencing fractions are popular subjects which need a good understanding of equivalent fractions. Word problems using decimals also come up very frequently. With over 70 pages of questions and answers this is a great section to complete to ensure high marks.
At least one algebra question can usually be found in the test, sometimes asking children to interpret a rule, such as ingredients in a recipe. More recently children have been asked to find the value of letters, such as in the statement; 2a + 6 = 100, what is the value of a?
A variety of questions have come up over the past few years, including solving problems using money, measures and time. Converting measurements of length has also been popular, as well as measuring the perimeter and area of shapes. We have plenty of practice for these.
Finding and calculating angles is a very popular topic in the tests and we have a great selection of questions similar in format to the test papers. Properties of shapes also comes up, but not as often as in the past.
A favourite problem here is to read and interpret data shown on a graph or in a table which could involve large numbers or even negative numbers.
As well as practice on all the above topics we do also have a huge selection of Calculating Paper practice pages and all the past Maths SAT Papers.
Year 6 Maths SAT Booster