Year 2 Measurement

Comparing and ordering length, mass and capacity are key features of work in Year 2. Children will be expected to measure length using the standard unit of centimetres, but they will also begin to measure larger objects using metres, perhaps with a metre stick. When measuring, it is important to use the most suitable unit; for example, deciding when it would be sensible to measure in metres rather than centimetres and what would be the most efficient equipment to do so. It takes some time to develop a sense of how long 1 cm, 10 cm and 100 cm are and plenty of practical work is needed. We have a great collection of worksheets as an introduction to this, asking children to decide what unit would be most suitable to use.
Once familiar with these units children will be expected to compare and order lengths.
By the end of the year children should be able to order more than two lengths, from shortest to longest, at first using only the same unit of measurement. This will also help with ordering numbers to 100. Later, when confident with the knowledge that 10 mm = 1 cm and 100 cm = 1 metre they can begin to order measurements using mixed units.
In Year 2 children are also introduced to kilograms and grams. Scales are a great way to compare the mass of different objects which leads on to ordering items from lightest to heaviest. Plenty of practical opportunities here, as well as worksheets to compare mass and weighing objects.
Reading scales and comparing volume/capacity is another very practical aspect of maths.