Year 1 Number and Place Value On-screen Practice
We have over 70 highly focussed on-screen activities for Year 1 Number, giving really comprehensive coverage of the key learning objectives. The topics include:
Sorting and counting objects with numbers up to ten: Unlimited practice counting up to 10, including part-whole models.
Odd and even numbers: Fun activities recognising odd and even numbers.
Counting up to 20 including one minute challenges: When children are really confident with counting up to 10 they can move on to counting up to 20. Base ten blocks and part-whole models can help with understanding place value.
Using the correct vocabulary to compare small numbers, including one minute challenges: Comparing numbers using a variety of images and numbers. Using terms such as smaller/larger and smallest/largest.
Finding more than and less than, including one minute challenges: Starting by finding one more or one less than a small number, moving on to finding two, five or ten more or less. The greater than and less than signs are also introduced.
More counting: up to 100: More counting including counting in ones up to 100 and counting in twos, fives and tens.
Ordering numbers up to 20 and beyond: Ordering small numbers up to ten, followed by numbers up to 20 before moving onto numbers up to 100. Begin to use first, second and third.
Each of our activities is highly focussed, concentrating on one objective. They are short, so children do not lose interest and they are marked on-screen. Printable results sheets are provided, or in the case of our one minute challenges, the score achieved and certificates for high scores.
We know of nowhere else which provides such a detailed collection of activities which can be played on the screen using PC, Mac, tablets such as the iPad or even iPhone.
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