Year 2 Number and Place Value On-screen Practice
What could be better than having unlimited practice of the key number skills of the Year 2 Programme of Study? Ranging from counting to 20 in the early part of the year to comparing four 2-digit numbers, we have a great selection of on-screen activities for children to use to reinforce these skills.
All activities require children to input answers on the screen. Printable marked answer sheets are available at the end of each set together with on-screen rewards for all correct answers.
We also have activities where children have just one minute to answer as many questions as possible. Reading number lines up to 100 is a real challenge and don’t expect high scores, as it takes some time to read the number line accurately. Comparing 2-digit numbers shown as numbers or base ten blocks will demonstrate children’s knowledge of place value, whilst the odd and even numbers game should result in high scores. Gold, silver and bronze certificates are available for good scores, which can be printed out as a record of achievement.
Our on-screen activities are organised in the following categories:
Counting and place value: Starting with counting to 20 and then up to 100. Number lines, place value grids and base ten blocks are available to help.
Odd and even numbers: Identifying odd and even numbers.
Comparing numbers: Numbers and base ten blocks are compared using vocabulary such as smaller/larger and smallest/largest. The 'more than' and 'less than' signs are introduced. Totals of sums are also compared.